Sunday, December 02, 2007

Research findings:

After reviewing the top 10 music video countdown I was surprised at my end results.

My summary reads- Women that appeared in an episode of VH1's top 10 video countdown were scare; men were much more predominant in the music videos. However when women were in the music videos, they were mostly in rock music videos, were Caucasian, portrayed as independent, and dressed moderately.

  1. The 2 of the 3 minority leading ladies in the videos were the actual musical artists, one was African American, the other Filipino.
  2. Some of the music videos had no females featured at all, and only two videos had other females featured in the videos, those videos however did not have a leading lady.
  3. Only 3 of the artists on the countdown were female.
  4. The Caucasian and the African American leading lady were the only ones not labeled sexualized.

Overall as will be stated in my report I am surprised at the lack of female presence, I was though presently surprised that VH1's average video had them dressed moderately. However still discouraged with the lack of minority's present.

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 discusses sexual conduct of TV commercials watched by early adolescents. The chapter states that "sexual images in the media have long been a concern of mass media researchers. " As TV has matured it has grown increasingly more up front with its sexual content and the frequency of discussing it. Sex has surrounded people in mass media for a number of years in advertising and on television. Unfortunately, mass media has become more of an educator than many parents, considering that a significant amount of time can be spent watching TV, or surfing the Internet, etc. More and more frequently children and teens are turning to the TV and other media outlets for information regarding sex, puberty, and other various outlooks regarding certain topics. This can cause static, confusing some and sending mixed messages to others.

Chapter 17

Chapter 17 discusses sexual stereotypes of Asian and African American women. This chapter discusses different stereotypes and centralizes on stereotypes of planned parenthood advertisements. It also goes into detail about the different couples coming into planned parenthood through the advertisements. An additional topic discussed is about the Lotus Blossom of the ad, "Are you sleeping with someone to die for?" the Lotus Blossom is the oriental woman stereotype of the woman who seduces the innocent white male and infects him with a dangerous disease, the innocent white male does survive, but the lotus blossom dies from the infectious disease. The other ad discusses the stereotype of Brown sugar, which is a white male who has sex with the sexual experienced and promiscuous African American woman.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


After reading the article "Dove Viral Draws Heat From Critics" I went onto youtube and watched the "Onslaught" for myself. The ad is definitely interesting, it does pull you in, and the message it inevitably sends is an important one. But here's the thing, why is the message important? Is it because Dove the brand stands for self esteem, it supports the "real" woman, and hopes that one day we can all live in a world without worrying about our weight or appearance and just be satisfied with ourselves? Or is it simply important because Dove (or at least Viral) doesn't really mean what they advertise? Its hard to imagine that the same company which produces Axe cologne could have a completely separate division which cares for all women in any and every shape or size. Axe spray is anything but a self esteem booster for females, at least in my opinion, because the way they depict women in their ads is the exact opposite of what Dove tells females they need to be like. (Thin, gorgeous, and sexually promiscuous.) Sounds to me like they are trying to have their cake and eat it to.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 is about using sex to to sell movies. It discusses the power of movie trailers and how entertainment companies use the idea of sex to draw in cinema crowds. Movie trailers are all about competition, they only have a limited amount of time to catch a viewers eye, and in most cases a way to catch someones attention is through the ideal of sex. Studies have been preformed to find sexaulized content in movie previews categorized by their sexuality, mpaa ratings and genres, and demographic characteristics of characters. The study showed that slightly half of of the previews had a sexual scene, men and women both were featured characters, and the majority of films were R rated. This study shows that sexuality is obviously a large part of a movie trailer, and it will continue to be because it draws in viewers, which draws in money for movie companies.

Final Project Ideas

For the final project we will be focusing on women in music videos. In my group we have divided up 5 different music video channel outlets. MTV, VH1, FUSE, BET, and CMT, to monitor the top 10 videos for one week. Basically we are looking to see is there a difference in each media channels depiction of women. Is there a difference the way women are dressed? Or how the females are portrayed in the video? Or the leading ladies race and role in the music video? Also what is the genre of music and does that play a role in how the women are portrayed? Both the dress and the role of the females will have categories and definitions.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Chapter 16 & 18

Chapter 16 discusses race and gender in advertising. Advertising aims to raise awareness about a brand, capture attention, and encourage a purchase. One main advertising technique is the use of sex, using attractive individuals in order to seduce the consumer. The use of this technique tends to vary however by the racial and ethnic minority. Minorities tend to be represented differently in advertising. Whites, Asian Americans, African Americans, and Latinos are each represented in a different way, including the men. Whether represented as a more sexual being, or a more stereotypical way each race seems unfairly misrepresented.

Chapter 18 discusses homo eroticism in advertising. The gay audience has become a key factor in advertising. Advertisers target outlets which specifically reach out to the homosexual crowds, such as Out,The Advocate, and Instinct. The chapter describes homo eroticism androgyny, and eroticism. Advertisers uses androgynous models frequently, because it Leeds to interpretation. Main stream media has also attempted to attract the gay crowd, with hit shows with gay characters, reality shows with gay participants, etc. The gay audience is increasing and advertisers has taken notice.

Chapter 10 & 12

Chapter 10 discusses beer advertising. The advertising of beer products doesn't involve using logic, instead it centers around shaping a products image to attract consumers. This image the advertisers generally create relies heavily on sexuality and sexual innuendo. Not only do they use sex but also humor. The chapter states that "sex and the marketing of beer are virtually inseparable. "

Chapter 12 discusses the pornographic aspects in fashion advertising. The chapter states that advertisements in Elle, Vogue, and W show women not only as desirable objects for males, but also objects of pornography. Pornography signifies a particular content with the intention to produce a particular kind of effect. Fashion advertising usually focuses on only certain parts of the female body instead of a full figure, objectification. As well as the use of submissive expressions. This can cause confusion in the line drawn between high art and pornography.

chapter 5 & 6

Chapter 5 discusses the sex market in magazines. Maxim magazine states that"celebrity plus sex equals more readers."Big Magazines, like Rolling Stone, have even changed from the original magazine concepts in order to sell more magazines by adopting the concept stated above. A study was done to show these changes, the study analyzes the images of all men and women, how they are dressed, their pose, and their sexual tones, in the attempt to find out if these magazines have followed Maxims formula. The study found that there were significant relationships between how the models were portrayed in regards to their body pose, clothing worn, and their sexual tone. Women were found to appear on magazines more often than men, their body was shown more than men's, they did wear less clothing, and also were portrayed more sexually then man as well.

Chapter 6 discusses the role of sexual commodification of female sportscasters . Women sports casters are not very common nor are they considered hard core journalists, but were instead introduced in an effort to capitalize on the incorporation of female sex appeal. Female sportscasters are used in an effort to capture the attention of male viewers. Introducing women into sports news has received a large amount of criticism because as a result sports news has changed from a more traditional news coverage to an entertainment outlet.

chapter 3 & 4

Chapter 3 discusses the use of sex and its appeal in music videos. The chapter states that "physical attractiveness and the ability to convey sex appeal have proven the making of many artists." The reason why this is so important is that sex acts as a way to draw in media and audience attention. This is why many female artists will originally start out portraying a look of innocent and girl next door appeal, into a sexually mature individual. The chapter gives an example of Britney Spears and Christina Aguilara. This transformation is referred to as a metamorphosis. Race is also a key component in music videos, studies have shown that videos express a more male oriented story line. Males also appear more often in music videos than females. As music videos have become more mainstream and more marketable artists use the videos to further extend their audience base and establish their image.

Chapter 4 discusses the use of sex and gender in video games. Video games have become enormously popular, especially with young men and boys. With a large percentage of children, teens, and young men spending a significant amount of time playing video games, their perceptions tend to change from reality to what the game presents as reality. In multiple studies woman in video games were presented as props or victims, if women were in the video game usually they were dressed in provocative clothing, had large breasts and small waists. Males are shown as physical aggressors and outnumbered women 4 to 1. However there has not been extensive research done on sexual content in the video games.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

When the Media gets it wrong....

I was very interested in what the Dallas Morning News columnist had to say, And i would defiantly have to agree with her. The media is attracted to certain types of stories, a specific victim is more likely to receive more mainstream media attention than others because of that reason. Not only does the media pay more attention to a particular victim, they also pay a lot of attention to the people or persons they feel are responsible. Whether the individual is guilty or not, they are labeled guilty by the media, which causes nationwide bias toward that individual.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Race & news reporting

This week a young man shot & wounded 2 students & 2 teachers before killing himself at his High School. The article talks about previous issues with the student, how the student could have entered the school, (the school has metal detectors and surveillance video) and also about what occurred inside the school that morning and who was wounded. In addition the article, his race is described, which I found seemingly out of place, they say he was a white student in a predominately black school, but they don't think race was involved, I don't see the relevance of even mentioning that, if race isnt an issue it shouldnt have been mentioned. I see the relevance of mentioning that he stood out because of his black trench coat he wore and the chains around his neck, but I dont think race should have been mentioned.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

jena 6

In this day and age its important to see people standing up for something they believe in whether it be standing up for faith, personal beliefs, or just what you think is right or wrong. Watching the thousands of protesters marching in Jena La, was a sight to see. Almost refreshing if it wasn't for something so unfortunate. Unfortunate because it shows there is still a racial divide out there, and unfortunate that it involves kids. The Jena 6 quickly became national news. Six High School Students had an altercation with another high school er. The 6 were black, charged with attempted murder, and charged as adults. The charges seemed harsh, so harsh in fact, that most charges have been over turned, and the high schoolers face lesser charges, and are not being charged as adults. This decision didn't come lightly, as mentioned before this case drew national attention, civil rights leaders from the 1960's have made there was to La, to protest and draw in more attention. I applaud them for rallying together, things truly do need to change.

Friday, September 21, 2007


The SPJ article covering the disability issues says that there are 20 percent of the US population that either have a physical or mental disability. And they are right in their statement that when most people think about diversity we think of race and gender and tend to neglect other things since we are so consumed with those two topics. When i think of disability i think of two types of situations, the tragic tale and the motivational story. But there isn't an in between... and I think that's because that medium isn't really expressed through the media. And that is something that the SPJ article addresses. SPJ also gives various ways to re approach someone with disability and to gain knowledge about disabilities as well. It is time to not show a disability as either a negative or a positive characteristic but simply as a characteristic which shouldn't be judged or exploited by a journalist or anyone else for that matter.

Life in 1968

I was able to uncover the 1969 life magazine titled "the incredible year 1968", basically it is a almanac of what occurred in that year. This was the year of Martin King Jr's and Bobby Kennedy's assassinations, the first manned mission went into space, and Hairspray first appeared on Broadway, and the U.S. was deeply involved in Vietnam. The spreads discuss the wife's of the Apollo 8 crew patiently awaiting for their husbands to return to them, an Anacin ad which targets the housewife, etc, etc.. I was amazed at the amount of stereotypes that were in this magazine, and feel that this would be a great magazine to do my project on.

they call me a junkie

they call me a junkie, a CNN junkie that is. One reason is because current events are very important to me, and two because i watch the news ALL the time. To me being connected and knowing whats happening in the world is not only valuable but also very informative. The first thing i do when i get up in the morning or go to bed at night is to turn on the news channel of my choice, whether it be MSNBC, CNN, or another media outlet, and then i begin to surf the web to locate additional news for the day. Mostly that is how i stay connected with current events, I'm not much of a newspaper fan, i suppose its the time we live in. I normally spend at least 3 to 4 hours a day either online reading the news or watching the news on TV. I suppose from being so involved with the media its easier to spot stereotypes or the coverage certain stories get over others. We hear about race, sex, and all sorts of other topics everyday. Right now on the topic of race " Jena 6 " has been making headlines and now with the recent arrest with OJ Simpson we hear about race and the fact that possible discrimination still exists in this country. When it comes to the topic of sex in the media, its everywhere, and its excessive. News today has somewhat changed as time has progressed, we pay more attention to Paris Hilton in jail than we do to in some ways the things going on at the White House.