Thursday, October 04, 2007

jena 6

In this day and age its important to see people standing up for something they believe in whether it be standing up for faith, personal beliefs, or just what you think is right or wrong. Watching the thousands of protesters marching in Jena La, was a sight to see. Almost refreshing if it wasn't for something so unfortunate. Unfortunate because it shows there is still a racial divide out there, and unfortunate that it involves kids. The Jena 6 quickly became national news. Six High School Students had an altercation with another high school er. The 6 were black, charged with attempted murder, and charged as adults. The charges seemed harsh, so harsh in fact, that most charges have been over turned, and the high schoolers face lesser charges, and are not being charged as adults. This decision didn't come lightly, as mentioned before this case drew national attention, civil rights leaders from the 1960's have made there was to La, to protest and draw in more attention. I applaud them for rallying together, things truly do need to change.

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