Thursday, November 30, 2006

perspective one business

in the event of an emergancy/pandemic from a perspective one business:

Direct Deposit of paychecks
Finding essential/non-essential employees
Realigning worker sick leave/ vacation roll-over
Disability guidelines in event of a pandemic
Erecting glass-enclosed booths for customer-contact employees
Heath insurance provider/ special services
Updating employee emergency contact listings
Employee hotline (24 hour communication)

Digital Media Kit for all employees
Cross training/Preventive care
Working from home opportunities


after visiting the website Advertising Age and reading the article " edleman east humble pie" i am amazed at the ridiculous lengths that a company will go to, to make a quick buck. i loved how the article started out by awknoledging how it's "ironic that Edelman Worldwide helped to write the Word of Mouth Marketing Association's code of ethics, which states: "Honesty of identity: You never obscure your identity." and here they now find themseleves caught, apologetic, and in trouble. im surprised that they faked an entire marketing blog worldwide and expected no sort of inner exposure.
lesson to self- never make up an identity and use it as world wide marketing point.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

chapter 6

Ethics chapter:What's the difference between being an advocate and being objective? How do practitioners reconcile these characteristics?What's the benefit of strong ethics?What is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)?What is cultural relativism and ethical imperialism?Starbucks case study (p. 193)Research and evaluation chapter:Primary/secondary researchProbability/non-probability researchQualitative/quantitative researchAdvantages and disadvantages of focus groups?What is a communication audit?

british airliners

Former Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko died within the past week of poisoning...his death is now being linked to two jet airliners. around 33,000 passengers , 3,000 employees and 220 trips from london to moscow have been linked to those to two jets. The airline said "the risk to public health is low" but that it was attempting to contact all passengers. they have also urged all involved to notify a heath facility as soon as possible. british airways has posted a statement, updated their website as well as posted all flights that were on the two planes.

before taking this course i never would have thought about how a company would be dealing with a situation like this. now, i look at each aspect. Considering the speed in which a spokeperson reaches out, how quickly a news release is held, is a website updated, is there a hotline number, ect ect. Also i think about what would i do in this situation. its terribly exciting. im so thrilled that i have chosen this profession.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

business continuity/ disease

business continuity- preparing/planning for when/ how a company will resume or continue on either an entire unit or as a partial unit.

Disease: isolation- the complete separation from others of a person suffering from contagious or infectious disease; quarantine. (websters)

Quarantine-a period, originally 40 days, of detention or isolation imposed upon ships, persons, animals, or plants on arrival at a port or place, when suspected of carrying some infectious or contagious disease. (websters)


It was a chaotic time in our history...for everyone...especially those who were in the front lines and saw their city fall to peices from arm length vs. those of us seperated by miles seeing the devestation from a television screen in our comfy living rooms. When a Starbucks associate sold a bottle of water to a paramedic, news media jumped on the oppertunity to strike at the value driven corporation...the water as well as coffee was ment to be a donated treat for all of those participating and helping in the cause of 911. When word hit that a water had been sold rather donated the president of the starbucks company immediatly apologized, not only to the paramedic directly but also through a pr release. NYC starbucks even remained open throughout this difficult time while all other Starbucks across the nation where temporarily closed. I belive that this was their true misstep... to have the stores still up and running. if employees and managers where so dedicated to work they should have had voulnteers set up shop near the devestation areas in NYC, not continuing to have the NYC stores open for business.

homeland security

The homeland security advisory system is a color coded system on a 5 level monitor. Its specifically designed to keep people aware and on alert about a terrorism probability. This monitoring system has many divided....some seeing it as a positive way to keep us informed while others view it as an unnecisarry worry wart. It conists of different color codes starting from green( low) to red (high) which can easily be communicated through officials. Officials have communicated to the public to store up to 3 days of food, having emergancy kits, ect ect. This awareness caused confusion and chaos instead of the intended comfort of knowledge. This panic across the nation caused congress to look into homeland security practices...even scolded the institution...but within days homeland security had started another panic all over agian.

homeland security website: our free society is vulnerable.
formulate security plans to give accurate information.
develope and facilitate barriers.
creation of allies.
pooling national resources.
understanding the countries vulnerability.
federal,local, and state governments participation.
admission of lacking proper coorperation and facilitation.
vague and conflictiong information givin to state and local govs.
no assurance to make sure all information is going where it needs to go.
uniform method.
collabortation between private and public.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

interesting? chapter 3.

in the book it says:
-history & public relations profession are both values-driven. open to interperetation.
-apparetnly... it dates back to the primitive agricultural extension agents in the 1800 B.C. discussing how to grow better crops.
-athens greece from 461 to 429 B.C. rhetoric.
- 1917 public opinion grew as a result of WW1. progressive era.
- 1787 during American Rev. the Federalist papers were a huge P.R. effort.
-teddy Roosevelt.
- downsizing had a big impact on P.R.
- politics.

September 11 vs. Red Cross.

our nations blood supply had tripled as a result of the goodwill of patriotic countrymen and the stupidity of the Red Cross. After being notified by the A.B.C. director, the Cross continued taking blood donations that would inturn disposed of bc of overflow. (waste of 20%).
this special fund...that nobody got...?

Agency had a special 9/11 fund set up which raised 547 million. the funds were promised to the victims families...not even half went to the families. "BIG PROBLEM".

MR. FIX-iT. New program. New director. APOLOGY.
awknowledged mistakes....changed its policy.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

asking your friends

sitting in my living roon this weekend... on this rainy afternoon... in the middle of some random movie the roomies decided to watch.... i decided that now seemed like an oppertune time to ask about their thoughts on public relations. what it is? and who holds a high pr job?
one roomate ... answered that someone in public relations act as the person between the companies and the general public. They act as mediators. She said that the president was someone in a high public relations position. ( just like Theodore Roosevelt). My other roomate said that a public relations rep deals with the public... first thought in my head was DUH. laughter followed by myself and my roomates. She then inisisted that a presidents assistant or Colin Powell were people in high pr jobs. ( i am aware that he was our secretary of i suppose he would be a person involved in pr work... since he directly deals with foreign policy and hosts discussions with foreign leaders... just like with a major company Powell worked to establish communication and acceptance in his job). the Boyfriend is the one who really impressed me... he responded with how big businesses deal with public corperation or conflict... then randomly he started naming names... Micheal f Jacobson...then he said no, forget him Philipe Dauman is the president of public relations for Viacom and the list went on. i was impressed...ive never heard of those people ever before and im majoring in public relations... my boyfriend put me to i spent the whole evening researching who these men where.... can't let the boy show me up! he's a photography major for heavens sake.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

public relations...

public relations... provide the backbone of a company. Create the face of an institution... molded to be how one saw fit. CIPR defines P.R. as being "All about reputation the result of what you do, what you say & what others say about you" as well as " Etablish & maintain goodwill & mutual understanding between an organization & its publics." The role of someone in public relations is to perfect the publics perception(CIPR). PRSA states that it "helps our complex, puralistic society to reach decisions & function more effecitivly by contributing to mutal understanding amoung groups & institutions."In our book the definition from the PRSA site and the book are very similar... however the books definition also states that P.R. deals with "communication, understanding, acceptance, & cooperation...".Public relations has many oppertunities... in business, in politics, ect ect. It truly is an important job.