Sunday, September 17, 2006

asking your friends

sitting in my living roon this weekend... on this rainy afternoon... in the middle of some random movie the roomies decided to watch.... i decided that now seemed like an oppertune time to ask about their thoughts on public relations. what it is? and who holds a high pr job?
one roomate ... answered that someone in public relations act as the person between the companies and the general public. They act as mediators. She said that the president was someone in a high public relations position. ( just like Theodore Roosevelt). My other roomate said that a public relations rep deals with the public... first thought in my head was DUH. laughter followed by myself and my roomates. She then inisisted that a presidents assistant or Colin Powell were people in high pr jobs. ( i am aware that he was our secretary of i suppose he would be a person involved in pr work... since he directly deals with foreign policy and hosts discussions with foreign leaders... just like with a major company Powell worked to establish communication and acceptance in his job). the Boyfriend is the one who really impressed me... he responded with how big businesses deal with public corperation or conflict... then randomly he started naming names... Micheal f Jacobson...then he said no, forget him Philipe Dauman is the president of public relations for Viacom and the list went on. i was impressed...ive never heard of those people ever before and im majoring in public relations... my boyfriend put me to i spent the whole evening researching who these men where.... can't let the boy show me up! he's a photography major for heavens sake.

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